bed and breakfasts

美 [bed ənd ˈbrekfəsts]英 [bed ənd ˈbrekfəsts]
  • n.住宿加(次日)早餐;提供住宿加早餐的旅馆
  • bed and breakfast的复数
bed and breakfastsbed and breakfasts

bed and breakfasts


  • 1

    also bed-and-breakfast.

  • 2
    N-UNCOUNT 住宿加次日早餐(缩略形式为 B&B)
    Bed and breakfast is a system of accommodation in a hotel or guest house, in which you pay for a room for the night and for breakfast the following morning. The abbreviation B&B is also used.

    Bed and breakfast costs from £30 per person per night.


  • 3
    N-COUNT 提供住宿加次日早餐的家庭旅馆(缩略形式为 B&B)
    A bed and breakfast is a guest house that provides bed and breakfast accommodation. The abbreviation B&B is also used.

    Accommodation can be arranged at local bed and breakfasts.


  1. There were several good bed and breakfasts in the area .


  2. Accommodation can be arranged at local bed and breakfasts .


  3. Don 't you love bed and breakfasts ?


  4. The Office of National Statistics reports that last year camping trips increased by29 % on the year before , overtaking the number of stays at traditional bed and breakfasts .
